6 Times You're Probably Not Wearing Sunscreen but Should

6 Times You're Probably Not Wearing Sunscreen but Should

Sunscreen is NOT just for summer beach days. Wearing sunscreen on the beach is a given. You already know to slather on the SPF in the summer months. But did you know that wearing sunscreen is just as important in fall and winter?

Whether you're skiing, going on a road trip, or even sitting near a window, protecting your skin is a must. Here are seven times you should be wearing sunscreen.

1. Skiing

Freezing-cold temperatures and a snowsuit that covers nearly every inch of your body may not ring any sun damage alarms, but don't be fooled. The sun is strong up yonder at high altitudes and the sun's glare is intense when reflecting off the snow, so forgoing sunscreen'even on the small bits of skin that stick out'is a big no-no (and don't forget, your lips are skin, too).

2. Sitting Near a Window

You don't have to be a lifeguard to be wary of the sun at work. Any office job might expose you to the sun's harmful rays, which can penetrate through glass. If you're seated near a window, make sure to cover exposed skin, like face and arms, with SPF.

3. Going on a Road Trip

Riding around in a convertible with the top down isn't the only way to catch the sun's damaging glare. According to a study in Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, men were more likely to develop skin cancer on the left side of their bodies and faces vs. their right side, which may be explained by UV exposure to the left side of the body while driving in a car. A larger study also achieved similar results. We're all for riding into the sunset, as long as you don't forget to smear on the sunscreen beforehand.

4. Taking an Airplane

You know to hydrate when taking an airplane, but did you know it's just as important to wear sunscreen? (You're both by a window and at a way higher altitude.) Add this to the list of reasons for booking an aisle seat.

5. Taking Care of Your Lawn

Putting on sunscreen may seem excessive for an activity that can take as little as 10 minutes in the colder months. But the threat of skin damage is still there, so make sure to take the proper precautions. According to World Health Organization, UV rays are strongest in the few hours before and after noon, so even with sunscreen, it's best to leave watering or mowing the lawn for the evening hours.

6. Taking a Walk

A stroll to work or around the neighborhood in the cooler months can be quite pleasant, but UV rays are present year-round ' even if it's overcast. Protecting your skin is just as important as burning those calories.

Originally published on BHG.com/Strive.

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